With the content scheduler you will be able to schedule your contents in calendar, similar as you schedule your meetings.
Each scheduler has a default content that plays when no other content has been assigned to the point of time.
This is the main Scheduler editor interface
You can view the calendar in daily, weekly and monthly format
You can easily add contents from the right side-bar.
You can afterwards edit the added contents in the left side-bar.
You can also add repeatables to your scheduler, see more about them down below.
You can create Allday contents and contents that are only for a certain amount of time.
You can drag out contents and make them last for multiple days.
You can delete contents from the calendar with the trash icon in the upper left corner, or using the DELETE key.
This is the main Repeatable editor interface
You can set how long you want your scheduler to be.
And also set that onto which days you want to apply in the selected duration above.
And add contents just like in the calendar.
You can edit one day in this interface and that will be applied to all the selected days. The repeatables can be overwritten in the calendar by other contents.